The Art and the Eeriness

Jonas Burgert - Tatstand

Jonas Burgert, Tatstand, 2008

Impossible but true. Watching so many magazines in Germany die is not a really a fun thing. So we’re relieved to hear that the small Berlin based Kunstmagazin was able to survive and thrive since almost three years for now. This is a good reason to party I think. And just to have the right vibe, the party is paired with an exhibition opening featuring a lot of great artist. The theme of the exhibition is more or less the eeriness. The little preview of images after the jump indicates that some of the art work will be pretty amazing.

Christian Achenbach - Scarface

Christian Achenbach, Scarface, 2007, Courtesy Wendt+Friedmann Galerie, Berlin

Bjorn Melhus - Animal

Bjorn Melhus, Animal, 2008, Filmstill from Meadow

Lars Teichmann - Triumph

Lars Teichmann, Triumph, 2008, Courtesy Kunstagenten, Berlin

Moritz Schleime - Dirty Nucki

Moritz Schleime, Dirty Nucki, 2008, Courtesy Wendt+Friedm ann, Berlin

Das Unheimliche

Exhibition: 25.04.09 – 01.05.09

Opening and party: 24.04.09, 18h

Modulor Haus

Prinzenstr. 85

10997 Berlin

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