To Russia with Love

photos: Chris Phillips

On Sunday gay, lesbian, bi and transgender people and their supporters have collectively met in front of local Russian embassies all over the world for a kiss-in to protest the new laws discriminating the LGBT communities of Russia. This followed the big demonstration that happened the previous weekend. Our fellow bloggers from Pornceptual took some photos at the Berlin Russian embassy on Sunday and we want to show you a few of them after the jump. On Friday the erotic online magazine will continue the support of their fellow Russian LGBTs with their second party dedicated to the cause. More about the Russian Porn party at Loftus Hall here.

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.