Partyguide Fusionized!


Traditionally, the Berlin electro party animal right now is on his way to or at least busied organizing a car and a tent for the Fusion. After last years completely crowded festival people are not as eager to go as it used to be. And it costs 60,- at last. Cheaper but no less exciting parties after the jump:


Hugo Capablanca, Vincenzo and Iljuscha play the Tropicana Disco at the tropical river of the Spree, Bar 25.

Sell Fish has invited Dd5050 of Arm&Sexy and Ol for the launch of their website witty banter, Kleine Reise, Spreewaldplatz.


Music and drinks for non-claustrophobics in the hole named Enklave.

Renates Heimkinder summer vacation edition. What sounds nice and cosy is normally wild and hard at Renate.

Discofrostyss at the Establishment Berlin, Italo-Deutsch-Bizzarodisco with the Milch Dj-Team and Benji DF, Reichenbergerstr. 133.


Kimchi Princess, the partyrestaurant, celebrates its one year anniversary with barbeque, World Cup, drinks and djs in the early evening hours.

The Csd was last weekend but it’s getting gay and gayer with glitter and bears: Neon Raiders-the Tcsd special at Zmf with djs Warbear, Carbonid Solo, bomb boutique and more. 4 EUR before midnight-6 EUR after.

Kleine Reise is liked a lot by people, maybe because it’s so small. Tonight legend Ian Pooley is playing, also Riccio, a rising star from Italy with funk-inspired house.





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