Stunning Impressionist Photo Art of Berlin’s Icons

photos: Florian Lonicer

You’re no strangers to iHeartBerlin’s crush for unique, cool art; let alone when there’s an innovative new project, inspired by the beauty of this city– we have to share! Florian Lonicer‘s love for urban photography and pursuit for perspective, combined with Berlin’s most significant touristic attractions brought to us the project Blickwinkel. At first sight, one might think this is a series of impressionist paintings, which would be cool enough, but finding out that these are actual photographs blew our mind!

This amazing result comes from 25 snapshots mashed together in postproduction: Each landmark is being photographed 25 times, all from different perspectives and locations. In this way, we perceive the essence of the landmark, while its frame becomes less concrete. For Florian, the different shots symbolize the different perspectives, as well as the different personal experiences each of us has, that connects us to each landmark: therefore each work of art is the sum of different perspectives, where rigid frames are shattered and colours prevail.

The photos are now available as a calendar for 2018 here.

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<a href="" target="_self">Stella</a>

