Berlin Film Nights

Berlin Syndrome

After we hosted already three editions of the Berlin Film Night together with our friends from Mobile Kino we are back this year and this time it’s not just one night, but a whole program of several days taking place from May 19th till 24th with several satellite screenings around it. We are super excited to once again get the chance to screen amazing Berlin short films from various genres. But this time we have something every special in the program: a screening of the upcoming thriller Berlin Syndrome with sense8 star Max Riemelt and Teresa Palmer before its official theatrical release and the first public screenings of the highly anticipated Neukölln TV show 4 Blocks before they will premiere on TNT Serie a few days later.

4 Blocks / TNT Serie

We are now looking for submissions for our Berlin short film program that will kick off on May 19th. Until May 15th you can submit your own film to the program – all genres are welcome – there is even a cash film price of 1000 EUR that the guys from Mobile Kino will reward to one of the films. More details about the submission here.

We will release more program points, events and details over the course of the next couple of weeks. Join the Berlin Film Nights Facebook event to stay updated!

Mobile Kino & iHeartBerlin present:

Berlin Film Nights

May 19th: Opening Short Film Program at Blogfabrik

May 22nd: Preview Screening Berlin Syndrom at Grießmühle

More events to be announced


Berlin Film Nights Satellite Screenings

May 4: Short Film + 4 Blocks Ep. 1 + 2 at Grießmühle

June 1st: Short Film + 4 Blocks Ep. 3 + 4

June 14th: Short Film + 4 Blocks Ep. 5 + 6


Watch the trailer of the thriller Berlin Syndrome with Teresa Palmer and Max Riemelt:

Watch the trailer of the TV show 4 Blocks by TNT Serie: