The Postman is here!

Die Post ist da! - Intoxicated Demons Gallery

The new exhibition at the urban art gallery Intoxicated Demons is not really about mail, although the title might indicate just that. It is more an elaboration of the ideas of post-graffiti, post-folkart and post-illustration. From Friday on until end of May you can see the works of Morten Andersen, Michael Hyp and ARO at the gallery. Read on to learn more about the artists and see some more images.

Morten Andersen - Intoxicated Demons Gallery

click to enlarge

From the gallery’s press release:

“Die Post ist da” – is a german term to say that the postman has arrived. But in our case, it’s not really about the “postal service”: it’s just our preference for wordplay. In some cases “thinking inside the box” helps to understand new things and ideas so we would like to see the word “post” in this english meaning as a term for something that comes after. We see the artist of our next show as a kind of a post-generation in their individual way of expressing themselves with their art but we’re not taking this too seriously – you know!!?

ARO - Intoxicated Demons Gallery

We’re trying to find answers to the following questions:

Morten Andersen (Denmark) – “Post-Graffiti”

What happens when a former graffiti writer decides to change his passion into a profession? What about changing cans into acrylics and walls into canvases?

Michael Hyp (USA) – “Post – Folk Art”

What about a designer who doesn’t just want to work in one direction? What if all his influences are as different as possible? What if he prefers to use uncommon materials? What if he decides to use the newest and latest tools for his work?

Aro (Germany) – “Post Illustration”

What happens if a young illustrator does not intend to align his style to today’s fashion? What if he doesn’t place particular value in classical conventions and work functions? Is it despicable to integrate the computer into the creative process?

Die Post ist da! - Intoxicated Demons Gallery

Die Post ist da!

Morten Andersen, ARO, Michael Hyp

May 9 – 31, 2008

Opening Reception: May 9, 19h

Intoxicated Demons

Naunynstr. 46

10999 Berlin

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.