photo by Siegfried Büker
It happens a lot: An interesting title, renowned actors, a fascinating story, but still a terrible outcome. I am talking about theater! It’s a pity that I have seen more bad productions in Berlin then good ones. I think it’s because of the incredible variety of choices that Berlin offers.
The difficulty is often to pick the right one. So often when I bring one of my friends to the theatre I regretted it afterwards. I feel kind of guilty when I have to sit through a bad play knowing that I forced my friend of going through it as well. I know that’s a problem for a lot of people. So I hope you can benefit from my discovery that the Schaubuehne in Berlin has a multimedia section on their website where you can find trailers of all their current productions.
I think that is quite amazing and it helps a lot to find out what’s best for you. And now your friends can help to choose the play to watch without bad feelings because you have both seen the trailer and the decision was made together. From now on you can also count on for theatre advice. Unfortunately some theatres do not offer free promotional image material, but we will try our best to keep you updated!