Pecha Kucha: Chitchat and Pictures

Pecha Kucha Night

Pecha Kucha is a Japanese term and means chitchat. It also describes a special presentation technique that underlines an oral presentation with 20 images that are each shown for 20 seconds. This gives the whole speach a fixed duration of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. And these are the only rules you’ll have to comply to participate at a Pecha Kucha Night which is a whole evening with several presentations of that style. Themes are mostly about art, design and culture, but you can actually talk about anything. Pecha Kucha nights are held all over the world. Tonight there will be one in Berlin at the Festsaal Kreuzberg. Read on for the schedule and details.

Pecha Kucha Night #9

June 23, 2008, 20:20h, 5 EUR

Festsaal Kreuzberg

Skalitzer Str. 130

10999 Berlin

[gmap map:16]

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<a href="" target="_self">Claudio</a>

