After the successful premiere of Dr. Sketchy‘s first artschool event in Berlin last month he is already back again for more. On October 25th Hedoluxe invites you to another evening of bouze, girls and pencils at WirrWarr in Kreuzberg. So if you are interested in practicing your drawing skills with some very unique models you should look after the jump for more infos and photos from the last event.
UPDATE: Note the change of date for this evening. It’s on October 25th now!
Photos from Berlin event: Heiko Laschitzki
The invitation:
Dr. Sketchy’s Anti Art School goes Berlinpornfestival
Where Cabaret meets Artschool.
After the huge success in August, Dr. Sketchy is coming back to Berlin. ‘Why can’t lifedrawing be sexy?’ asked Molly Crabapple, Illustrator and BurlesqueDancer from New York herself and founded Dr. Sketchy’s Anti Art School in 2005. It’s easily explained:
Outrageous models in fabulous outfits can be drawn in a cosy athmosphere, you can win fantastic prizes in funny drawing competitions and because people like to be entertained there are several cabaret numbers. Dames, Drawing and Debauchery!
Dr. Sketchy’s Anti Art School took it’s way from New York all over the world. There are more than 60 branches around the globe.
The models for this special evening are:
Clea Cutthroat (
Lethal Lily (
Mad Kate (
Your host is Hedoluxe, Dr. Sketchy Hamburg.,
Dr. Sketchy’s Anti Art School
October 25th 2008, 20.30h, Entrance 8 EUR
Dieffenbachstrasse 36, 2.HH Urbanhof
10967 Berlin
for further informations call 0170 23 40 666