Brian Sorg / Bridge Art Fair
Can there be too much art? Well, the coming week-end will put this question to the test with an almost endless number of events in the art scene. This little overview will hopefully be of use for you:
The week-end already starts on Wednesday with the big opening of the new Temporäre Kunsthalle at the Schlossplatz. The first exhibition is a solo show by artist Candice Breitz with her video installation called A Portrait Of Madonna which is a recording of 30 people singing songs by Madonna. On the same day the Create Berlin Showroom opens an interesting new exhibition called Raking Leaves In The Wind.
Thursday sees the opening of a whole range of art fairs including the Bridge Art Fair at the Schönhauser Alle, the danish Artville and the Preview at the Tempelhof Airport, and the 5. Berliner Kunstsalon at the Humboldt-Umspannwerk. If you liked the 1000 Journals art project you may also like Detour, an art project of the same kind by Moleskine which will showcase their art journals at the Museum der Dinge. If you prefer street art you should check into the Berliner Strasse exhibition at the .CHB which celebrates its opening with an Arty Farty Party that night.
On Friday the Artforum – yet another art fair – will open at the Messe Berlin. And friends of Jeff Koons can finally pour into the Neue Nationalgalerie that has been preparing his eagerly anticipated exhibition for quite some time now.
So, people, if this is not enough art for you then I don’t know what else would. Infos to all the exhibitions and fairs with pictures and details all after the red dot.
Candice Breitz
Temporäre Kunsthalle
Raking Leaves In The Wind
Create Berlin Showroom
Wallstr. 16
10179 Berlin
Francois Ilnseher, Northlake
Bridge Art Fair
OTA Apartments
Schönhauser Alle 5
Artville 2008
30.10-2.11.2008, open 12-20 h
Tempelhofer Damm 2
12101 – Berlin
Lillian Lykiardopoulou: Asymmetric endeavot, 2008
Flughafen Berlin Tempelhof
Einfahrt Columbiadamm 10
D-12101 Berlin
Ute Litzkow
05. Berliner Kunstsalon
Kopenhagener Str. 56
10439 Berlin
Street Piece 2008, Charlie Isoe
Berliner Straße
Arty Farty Party 30.10.2008, 22h
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9
10178 Berlin
Museum der Dinge
Oranienstraße 25
10999 Berlin
Christoph Schlingensief
Artforum Berlin
Messe Berlin
Jeff Koons
Neue Nationalgalerie
Potsdamer Straße 50
10785 Berlin