The Postman is here! was their most successful exhibition last year, that’s why the Intoxicated Demons Gallery decided to put artists Aro, Morten Andersen and Michael Hyp together again into one big group show. The return of the mail man will also feature Angry Woebots from Hawai with some seriously furious pandas. The exhibitions opens this Friday. More images and details after the jump.
Michael Hyp
Morten Andersen
Angry Woebots
Die Post Ist Da! The Return
with Aro, Michael Hyp, Morten Andersen, Angry Woebots
13.03.-04.04.2009, open Tue-Sat 15-20h
Opening Party 13.03.2009, 19h
Intoxicated Demons
Naunynstr. 46
10999 Berlin