Sonar – Ryan Obermeyer
The Strychnin Gallery in Friedrichshain is opening a wonderful new exhibition dedicated to whales this Friday. Whaleless is a project initiated by Italian curators Giovanni Cervi and Res Pira and PIG Magazine to raise awareness of the endangerment of the species and its possible global consequences. Many artists from all over the world have submitted their whale-themed artworks and since last July a selection of them have been touring around in the shape of a group exhibition. Find our more and see some samples after the jump.
Whaless World – Zaelia Bishop
Riding West – Aurélien Police
“Whaleless is an art project dedicated to those artists wishing to express their indignation, rage, shame, disbelief or concern about the slow disappearance of the fascinating giant marine mammals. Pollution, whaling and unacceptable fishing practices are only some of the causes that seriously endanger their survival. It seems that they are slowly but inevitably growing extinct, while the consequences of their gradual disappearance are impossible to predict. And yet we can be certain that the world’s ecosystem – not just the oceans’ but that of our entire planet – will be affected by this change. The world would not be the same without whales, which is why action needs to be taken immediately. To this end, a percentage of the sales will be donated to the Whales and Dolphins Conservation Society (WDCS).”
with Ashley Wood, Catalina Estrada, Stuart Semple, Wayne Chisnall, Lee Baker, Arianna Carossa, Squp, Chris Bonobo, Ryan Obermeyer, Zaelia Bishop, Aurélien Police, Nicoz Balboa, Giuliano Sale, Silvia Argiolas, Kokomoo, Tamara Ferioli, Marie Luise Emmermann, Bethany Marchman, Jenny Bird, LostFish, Lisa Mei Ling Fong, Wade Furlong, Chris von Steiner, Barbara Canepa, Ansgar Noeth, Angie Mason, Karin Andersen and Zoe Lacchei
27.03.-12.04.2009, Thu & Sun 13-18h, Sat & Fri 13-19h
Opening reception 27.03.2009, 19h
Strychnin Gallery
Boxhagenerstr. 36
10245 Berlin