A Sunday at .HBC

Paris Suit Yourself at HBC

Last Sunday some people went to Panorama Bar. Others went to Paranormal Bar at HBC. Last ones were rewarded with a wonderful day and an amazing party. The restless Macaronic Duo invited to what I thought would be a lazy afternoon but turned out being a great party with cool music played by T Daance and Iljuscha, Hunnee and Finn Johannson. It started in the early afternoon with smooth music by the Macaronics and nice people having a good time. When the room filled up and it turned evening infamous Paris Suit Yourself heated up the crowd as you can see on the pictures after the jump.

Paris Suit Yourself at HBC

Paris Suit Yourself at HBC

Paris Suit Yourself at HBC

Not that all the boys and girls were already hot after watching a half naked Paris Suit Yourself singer wearing just a pair of tights. When finally Posh! entered the arena the evening got a very sexual touch. Oops, my mistake, of course Iam not talking about Spicegirl Beckham gaunted freakface Posh but about Posh the Prince who wore nothing but a pair of knickers, socks and some jewellery and did a hot performance, man! At late evening every person in the room danced and it felt like a Saturday night, just better!

Macaroni Boy at HBC

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/suz/" target="_self">Suz</a>

