photos: Roland Horn
You believe Atlantis is this hidden culture sunken inside the Mediterranean Sea. I prove you wrong you lazy Berliners never watching what’s happening right in front of your nose. You don’t need to book a flight and hire an expert navy team to find the treasures of Atlantis. Just few S-Bahn stations away in Potsdam there is this outstanding art location called Rohkunstbau which will place real gems of contemporary art in this beautiful setting. The exhibition called Atlantis I -Hidden Histories- New Identities won’t take the Atlantis theme in a Walt Disney way but look inside the philosophical ideas of a perfect state comparing it to the efforts of creating equal Europe. Find more art pieces and more infos after the jump.
Dennis Feddersen, “Gentle Civilizer”, 2008
Polyvinylchlorid, Schaumstoff, Styropor, gefundene Objekte, variable Maße
Ausstellungsansicht: Schloss Marquardt/ Potsdam
Fotograf: Roland Horn, Courtesy Galerie koal, Berlin, Copyright: Dennis Feddersen + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Martin Assig, “Arche”, 2009
Enkaustik auf Holz, 76 x 160 x 75,5 cm
Ausstellungsansicht: Schloss Marquardt/ Potsdam
Fotograf: Roland Horn, Courtesy Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin & Jablonka Galerie, Köln, Copyright Martin Assig + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Ten artist from East Europe and Germany were invited to contribute to the exhibition so you see a really wide range of things going on. I picked some of my favorites peaces here and I hope you like them as well. The exhibition is open the whole summer.
XVI. Rohkunstbau
12. 07. – 13.09.2009
Opening reception: 11.07.2009
Thursday and Friday 14 – 19
Saturday and Sunday 12 – 19
Schloss Marquardt
Hauptstraße 14
14476 Potsdam – Marquardt
7,- EUR, reduced 5,- EUR