The Make Believe Show


Some of you who have been following us for a while now already know that I am a big fan of Friedrichshain-based artists Mateo and Johan Potma and their wonderfully absurd, yet cuddely monsters of the Zozoville Gallery. They just released their brand new 2010 calendar which is once again a charming collection of creatures you would never have imagined. Tomorrow they will also host the opening party of their new exhibition The Make Believe Show including a silent auction, food and drinks. Of course you can also get the calendar there or order it here. More images and details after the jump.




The Make Believe Show

24.10.2009, 19h

Zozoville Gallery

Mainzer Str. 12

10245 Berlin

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.