And the winner is..


Ear Pwr

.HBC all over. Two big events that seem to focus on the same audience. Who is going to be the winner, will there be one and what’s the prize? Shall the best win, you decide! And don’t forget to go shopping before Friday night, cause you’ll need at least two amazing dresses for this weekend…! Join our Facebook Group so you can once again win tickets for both .HBC parties. Parties after the jump.


Concert by My Name Is Claude at Lux in Schlesische Straße 41, Kreuzberg for those who like quiet but intense music. Starting at 20h.

Or Julian Casablancas at Maria without The Strokes (f course). Or Hip Hop with Dj Jumpy @ Cookies.


Blind Date Swingers Club at HBC. From a flat in West Berlin to the massive HBC, not bad, I’d say… Mix Tape action for nightlife models and other creatures who want to dance and show off their new wardrobe.

People like us
at Monster Ronson’s Ichiban Karaoke with Jeffrey Sfire, Dimitri feat. Live vocals by Dena From The Block and Discoco.

Dope Noise at ZpyZ in Kreuzberg with Top.Notch, The Shell live and Techno is’ Schuld Dj Crew!

Kunterbund und Sohlenschwund. (Try saying it loud if you’re not German 🙂 ). Listen to stories of Herr Techno and Frau House at M.I.K.Z. with Jeff Samuel and Adam Port!

Party at Horst Kreuzberg. Say hello to fat old Nikolaus til the late afternoon hours with Dreher & live, Abonné live, Klick & Nils Ohrmann, Hubertus Schacht, Beaner, Argon and Herr Süss & Herr Sauer!


Disco Mystix at guess what! The HBC. With a nice line-up i.e. Emil Doesn’t Drive or Robin Van Der Kaa! Dress up and dance dance dance!

The Villa with Filippo Moscatello and Bachstelze David Dorad.

Wassermusik presented by Dieh Bäckerei – as part of the Viva con Agua Waterdays – with music played by Gerald, Mr. Vanderley, Koalblao and live Mil Santos @ Johann Rose, Forsterstr. 57, Kreuzberg. And guess what: The entrance is free and you support clean drinking water just by buying some drinks.
Oh, you fav queer, well, get your stuff and run to Monster Ronson’s for a crazy night out as queer as it can get!


Market day!! A “fantastic mixture of unfoundable collectors, useful utensils, creation generators, sharp clothings, intense items.” Our recently reopened HBC from no on never sleeps and therefore hosts an indoor Sunday event with food, live acts and rock n roll. There will be coffee and you lazy pigs get your asses up!! Belgian hairdresser Daido who just returned from his London trip will be there to give you the craziest haircut you ever had! Ear Pwr will take care of the good music. Tattooing, Dr. Love and more fun to make a wonderful Sunday…

And to those who don’t like it cosy but rough and long on a Sunday: @ Golden Gate from 10am Emil Doesn’t Drive, Neo Filligrante, dsb, Franz Underwear, Kruton and more are going to make you forget that you actually oughtta sleep..










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