Julian oh Julian


Julian Casablancas, 31-year-old son of the founder of Elite Model Management and a Miss Denmark, vocalist and chief songwriter of The Strokes, has mastered his new solo album Phrazes for the Young (from an Oscar Wild book) and therefore gave his only German concert yesterday in Berlin at Maria. My impressions and more photos after the jump.


“I know I’m going to hell in a leather jacket” he sings in one of his songs and it seems he is going there straight away cause he wears not only a leather jacket with cut off arms but also leather trousers. And he looks really sexy wearing these, completely unlike the ordinary skinny Indie boy.


Julian, who, in the past, often stumbled on stage at live concerts so drunk he was unable to see, now looks perfectly healthy. “Creatively, drinking was becoming a hindrance. I’ve always promised myself, ‘If it starts affecting the music, I’ve got to chill out,'” he told an interviewer. “It was so nice to automatically feel happy. I miss it every day.”


photos via last.fm

However, being sober he offered a good show and convinced with his unique voice and strong presence on stage. And all that without the rest of The Strokes. And without alcohol. And cigarettes. Oh Julian…

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/suz/" target="_self">Suz</a>

