Let the sun go trough you


You are all complaining about the weather? I know it’s dreadful! But what can we do? Well, there is a nice and really pleasant way to carry a piece of sun with you everyday. Without wanting to sound spiritual or juju, I found a little time of peace in Yoga. And since I am practicing Sun Yoga which is a special Yoga in a heated room I also have great health benefits. The first few times I went I always thought I am going to die before the lesson is over but afterwards you feel like you arrived in heaven. Even in dark times it gave me a smile and a little heat inside to bring out in the cold. For everybody who thinks I am exaggerating I recommend to try out their Starter Special. More infos on their website.

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/cr/" target="_self">Claudio</a>

