Sorry party friends, from now on you will have to travel a little to get to a party! Zehlendorf turned out to be the new place for electronic parties. Yes, Zehlendorf is the district at the end of the S-Bahn linie number whatever and it is famous for expensive houses and fancy rich boys and girls wearing stupid clothes giving them the look of a privileged child, which they are, indeed. Since quite some time strange things happen on the weekends, the “crowd” of Zehlendorf meets for electronic parties that they call “rave” and people get drunk and they actually dance. They now even plan to have their own club in Zehlendorf! Why I mention this here? Well, teens under 18 are allowed to get in there, only from 24.00 they need to be guarded by an adult. This seems very social, get those kids from the streets before they become criminals and practise drug abuse! Especially the kids in Zehlendorf seem to be in danger, all that parental pressure to bring home good grades and to become a lawyer or doctor or worse..Parties after the jump:
People like Us at Monster Ronson’s Ichiban Karaoke with Antoni Maiovvi live, Dimitri, Purita D and Jeffrey Sfire!
This may seem to be one of these parties our favourite uni for arts is hosting but: wrong! Some peole calling themselves hdk which means “Huldigung der Künste” are using this name and promote their parties that take place at different locations. I know some people who went to the last party at Raum 18 and still don’t know that there is no connection whatsoever to HdK/UdK, haha! However, Huldigung der Künste at Festsaal Kreuzberg, starts at 9 pm and costs 8 ,-. The quite high price is allegedly due to some beneficial thing, but I didn’t find out to whose benefit, perhaps you guys find that out for me!
Gruppenzwang party mit Zombie Disquo Squad at Dice Club, Voltairestr. 5!
Old reptile Dj Hell visits Picknick with his Gigolo friends and as usual big names guarantee a full house. The people that are attracted by such a line-up hopefully are going to fit in, into the relatively small Picknick I mean..!
Spliss the party made by a group of young creatives takes place for the third time, with a Dj set by Bodi Bill, who are the band of the moment, unfortunately they don’t play live at Spliss, but after last time the police turned down the volume quite early, you better be happy with a dj set, don’t you terrorize them poor neighbours in Wolliner Straße!
You might want to kill me because of this, but I wanted to add this cutie rave-called party in Zehlendorf that starts at an early hour and allows entry from the age of 16 ( but only until 12 pm )! Zehlendorfer Electro Villa Rave the third meanwhile, hihi, S-Bahn Nikolassee, why not.. If you are into little school boys and girls, lawyer’s sons and rich housewife’s daughters you should definetely have a look!
LiveDemo presents Jay Electronica from New York for the first time in Germany live in concert!
Jay Electronica is one of the most exciting, fastest-rising talents in hip-hop and has been compared to Nas in his Illmatic prime and praised by Jay-Z as “incredible”. Yo, at Tube Station!