photos: Thomas Aurin
There are some theater and dance companies that make me wish to have pursuit other career options. Since I am way too old to become a dancer I have to limit myself to watching their incredible perfomance and perhaps review them. One special company which is such a pain to watch because they are so incredibly good that you wish you could be on stage with them is the Costanza Macras ensemble Dorky Park. If you never heard of them and wish to experience my unbareable craving to be involved, they are playing their new piece Megalopolis this weekend at Schaubühne. More pictures, a trailer, a summary and details after the jump.
MEGALOPOLIS is not a specific but rather a metaphorical place. The scene is a city under the influence of globalisation. This city is characterised by the illegibility of today’s megacities, that were born into chaos. Its characteristics are unbridled growth, decay and an infinite dissolution. Tight and narrow, the city dissolves the borders between private and public spheres and allows them to all but disappear. At the same time this borderlessness forces us to perceive the city as a collage which is made up of innumerable biographical bits.
The battle between two street vendors fighting for the best spot today demonstrates an existential confrontation that tomorrow is already forgotten. Megacities are a paradigm for the spaces in which people live together without knowing one another. The ever-present surveillance systems do not only create constantly watched beings but also a different sort of self-perception. The body of a person changes itself into an expressive instrument which creates and destroys systems and rules. Which interactions still have any kind of validity? Will urban development follow principles, which are totally unknown to us? Is the apparent decay of social relationships a cause or a consequence of the signs of decay in our cities? MEGALOPOLIS is a promise and a curse. MEGALOPOLIS is a shining city. MEGALOPOLIS is an uncontrollable construct, constantly in motion.
by Constanza Macras
06.03.2010 21.00
07.03.2010 19.30
30.04.2010 20.00
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
Kurfürstendamm 153
10709 Berlin