Today I made the effort off digging through all 65 pages (!) of t-shirt designs that were submitted to the Boss Orange creative challenge so far. People were asked to submit their parrot inspired designs and they can still do so until the end of April to win a meet and great with the design team of Boss Orange and have their design become part of next year’s summer collection.
While I was flipping through all the submissions I found basically everything from cool, to dull, to horrible and I was actually almost considering posting the worst designs, but that would just be mean. So I stick to my favorites that you can see above and even more after the jump. But what I noticed is that the contestants took the inspiration quite literal using parrots (often even the one from the flyer) or feathers in their designs. A lot of people used the color orange probably assuming that Boss Orange means all their clothes are orange. (Orange is a terrible color for fashion!!) The contest guidelines said: Be inspired by a parrot, not use a fucking parrot, like 99% of the people did. That’s not exactly creative, no? That’s probably why I like the horse with roses because it’s NOT a parrot, haha!
If you think you can be a bit more creative than that, go submit your design or vote for your favorit t-shirt here.