Robyn at Berghain


photos: Rankin

The first time I saw Robyn live 2 years ago at the MELT! Festival I was literally blown away by her performance. You would never guess how much energy this tiny Swedish lady has inside of her. Since that time I always wanted to see her again and this Wednesday I will get the chance as she is one of the performers at the Spex Live night at Berghain. She also has a new album lined up for a June release which she will be giving a sneak peak at during her concert. Details and more pictures by Rankin after the jump.

By the way: At the end of June she will have another show along Bonaparte and Caribou at the second Spex Live night at Gloria in Cologne.


Copyright: Rankin/Ministry of Sound Recordings


Spex Live
12.05.2010, 20h

20:00-21:00 Max Dax
21:00-21:30 Villagers (Live)
21:45-22:30 High Places (Live)
22:45-23:45 Robyn (Live)
00:00-01:00 Elektro Guzzi (Live)
01.00-03.00 Efdemin
03:00-05:00 Darkstar
05:00-Ende Marcel Dettmann

23:00-02:00 Will Bankhead & Jon Knight
02:00-05:00 Aeroplane
05:00-08:00 Trevor Jackson
08:00-Ende Paddy O’Neill

23:00-01:00 Jan Kedves
01:00-04:00 nd_Baumecker & Annie
04:00-06:00 Daniel Miller
06:00-Ende nd_Baumecker


Am Wriezener Bahnhof

10243 Berlin

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.