Decorating a window in a shopping mall has always been a kitschy little dream of me. I especially like the ones from the twenties and thirties, very fancy! This dream can actually come true now as we of iHeartBerlin will get a shopping window to decorate at the Galerie Lafayette for two weeks starting on October 4th. Katja and Jessie will do the same in the two weeks before. Looking forward to see what they come up with. This all is part of the campaign La Mode C’est Vous that I have told you about before here. You can still apply to participate in the longest runway show in world until September 23.
The Window Decorator

Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.