Wow, this was great! Our first I HEART XMAS dinner and party at Backyard came out really nice. Thanks to all of you who came! It was a pleasure celebrating Christmas with you.
The menu was delicious, starting from the salad, over to the carrot ginger soup, the mussels, the aubergine penne, the baked chicken breast on potatoes and the cupcakes and russian chocolate cheese cake. A big thank you to the cook of the Backyard for making us these lovely dishes and to my sister for the amazing cakes! We hope there will be more dinners like this (actually we know for a fact there will be, more about it soon…)!
Also a big thank you to our gift sponsors. All the guests of the dinner and the few lucky ones at the party were really happy to unwrap their early Christmas presents. And also many thanks to Veltins and Absolut for supporting us. More impressions of the dinner and the party after the jump.
photo above: Katja Hentschel
Although this might look like it: I didn’t actually cook myself (the Backyard people did). But I was allowed to stir in a pot of boiling water for a moment here…
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