Vintage for Lovers

Fashion Week has a problem with time. For a few minutes people are wearing clothes on the catwalk  that will actually exist in one year’s time. Artistic design vision whos consumable reality will happen only in the future. This year there will be another fashionable time-absurdity. In the closed shop of a deceased grandmother on a Spanish island, a Berlin couple found a real treasure. Giant amount of coats, suits, blouses and skirts from the 60s and 70s, everything in mint condition and with tags. That this treasure not only has historical value, but also a financial one will be proved by the Vintage Love Pop-Up Store which opens during this Fashion Week. After the jump you can find out where it is located and when it is open.

Vintage Love Pop Up Store

Zur Berlin Fashion Week

19.01.2011 – 22.01.2011

Opens daily from 12 to 18

Paul-Lincke-Ufer 42

1. Hinterhof, Fabriketage im 2. Stock

10999 Berlin – Kreuzberg

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<a href="" target="_self">Claudio</a>

