To wear a part of a dead animal – that sounds a lot like I am talking about fur or leather. But have you every worn a piece of their skeleton? The jewellery of Your Future A.F.A.I.R. is shaped like the spine of snakes. The necklaces, bracelets, earings and pins are stunning! Molded in silver and gold the chains of verterbraes look more abstract then organic.
About a month ago I saw equally interesting jewellery in the EDGED pop-up shop. Designer Emilie Morris shapes her necklaces, earrings and rings from the skulls and jaws of cats and small animals. A bit creepy, and less abstract then the snake spines, but definately an eye catcher.
More photos of the collection of Your Future A.F.A.I.R. that will be presented tonight at the Voo Store in Kreuzberg after the jump.