Urban Art Circus

Mrs K. B.

Tomorrow night, on March 12 2011 the Heimathafen Neukölln welcomes the Urban Art Circus to town. This event is also part of the Street Lab Berlin festival mentioned earlier. The Urban Art Circus is planned as a unique art project that brings together urban art forms in an experimental way. Based on hip hop battle traditions several art forms will compete against each other in tournament style.
The audience stands in the middle of this clash of creativity and experiences intriguing hot live performances. The outcome is impossible to predict. For myself I am curious to see how the dancing girls from Mrs K. B. (pictured above) will fight the renowned Puppetmastaz. The date of the show and the address after the jump.

Urban Art Circus

12.03. 2011, doors 20h

Heimathafen Neukölln

Karl-Marx-Str. 141


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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/cr/" target="_self">Claudio</a>

