Evoque Fashion Awards – Competition for Fashion Design

I know quite a few young talented designers who would like to start their own label and work on their own ideas and creations instead of producing T-shirts for a large street brand. But even  in Berlin – the land of unlimited creative possibilities – you have to pay the rent for your studio. And not every fabric is on sale at the Turkish market at Paul-Linke-Ufer (although there are great bargains to find). But the big dream of the own label does not  have to fail because of missing financing. Range Rover an the fashion platform Garmz.com have launched a great competition called  the Evoque Fashion Awards. The participating designers can not only win a big photo shoot for Quest magazine, but also full funding for the production of the whole collection at a high level. As of  March 15th 2011 fashion students and aspiring designers can apply with their collection here. There you will learn more about the competition. Good luck to all Berlin-participants!

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/cr/" target="_self">Claudio</a>

