Shadow Dancer
I wonder if someone is reading this, everybody seems to hang out in a cafe or park these days. Will you please bother having a look on these wonderful recommendations I have carefully chosen! As usual you find them after the jump:
Jacki Oh at Jacki Terrasse with Derek Plaslaiko, Samantha Fox and The Swift. Oh Jacki!
Kookoo at Farbfernseher with Finn Johannsen playing!
Party like King Ludwig in his best times? Es schallt im Zauberwald takes you via shuttle bus to the supersecret location which is announced a day in advance. You can register now or just hope to get a ticket under Kotellet & Zadak, Franz Underwear and Spacelex will be playing amongst many others!
Berlin Goes Snob at Atelier Überall, Oppelner Straße 12 with promised art and music as you have never seen it before, well!
Fuck Off at Icon with Shadow Dancer, Audiotrucs and a dj set by Bodi Bill who just released a new single / album.
Up in the ass of North at Enklave. This is no gay-party though the name may lead to false thinking. Boy Midsummer, Dennis Prinz and the Zillmann brother will provide you with music and drinks and gays are welcome too!
Missy Magazine Release party at Monster Ronson’s with two concerts, one by the post – New – Wave – girls Maria & The Mirrors and one by You’re Only Massive who recently had a gig at Kaffe Burger, redefining the word trash. On the decks Valerie Ronay, the female half of Noblesse Oblige, Timi Mei Monigatti and resident djane Sheila Chipperfield!
Wesc prsents the Wesc Superlative Footwear party. It takes place at the First Floor, which is a part of a so called art hotel, the same place where they already had a Wesc party during last Fashion Week and where a few weeks ago Boysnoize came to play. Djs are Nhan Solo, Adana Twins, Oliver Tabilion and more!
Ride the Minimal Carousel out there in Rummelsburg, Hauptstrasse 15 with Djs with bad Haircuts, Funkenstrom live, Demir & Seymen and many more. Yeah, Afterhour is a relict of the 90s that is still celebrated, only for the shaken ones of course, here with Anatol Sirous and Alle Farben.