This week you shall not be surprised to see a lot of cute little monsters and quirky characters. No, it’s not the invasion of the new Pokémons, it’s the Pictoplasma Festival that brings a bunch of artists and illustrators to town that have specialized in character design. Of course this is by far not everything there is this week. See all the events after the jump.
Artist Greg Haberny reveals his first piece of art from his series Gift at Boxhagener Platz. See Friday for more info.
The Tuesdays night at Cookies used to be one of the hottest and cooles parties in town. I haven’t been there in ages and I hear it has changed quite a lot but is still a busy night. Let’s see how old-school Berliners Suz (iHeartBerlin) and Sophie (Picknick, Last Days) on the decks will bring back some of the original spirit. Friedrichstr. 158, 23h.
Today is the first day of the Pictoplasma Festival for character design and illustration. As part of the Character Walk a lot of galleries all over the city are opening exhibitions focusing on characters and illustrations. We will pick our three favorites here. You can see all of them on the Pictoplasma Character Walk website. Following on Thursday until Saturday there will be lectures, workshops, panel talks and screenings at Kino Babylon and Volksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. More infos here.
Bongout Gallery at Torstr. 110 is presenting Bellevue – a group exhibition by the avantgarde illustration agency of the same name. The opening starts at 19h. The exhibition runs until May7, 2011.
Neurotitan Gallery at Rosenthaler Str. 39 is presenting the Character Totem Show by Inkygoodness as well as an exhibition by Ryan Quincy. The opening starts at 18h with animations by Brucey Art and musik and video mapping by LUMEN.
Here in Berlin we all know avant-garde designers JULIAANDBEN, but do you know the artists Ben&Julia? If not you can get to know them, or at least their crazy artwork at the exhibition 3 Moments in the Life of Kaluk opening at 19h at the temporary Stink gallery at Gipsstr. 14.
Starting at 22h the .HBC welcomes all character fans to the Pictoplasma Opening party. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9.
Berghain is not only host to its notorious parties that start on Saturday at midnight and end sometime on Monday, but also to other types of events and concerts. Deviance is a performance by Lithuanian composer and visual artist Ignas Krunglevicius. “A crime is committed. Deviance – the violation of social and cultural norms will be diagnosed. Somewhere on the psychologist‘s couch, in the psychiatry‘s padded cells, in the police’s interrogation room or directly at our homes.” Am Wriezener Bahnhof, starts at 20h, 8/10EUR. Afterwards DJ Max Dax.
Appetite for Destruction – An American Nigthmare, that’s the title of the new exhibition of Greg Haberny that opens on Friday at Strychnin Gallery, Boxhagener Str. 35, 19h. But the best part about it: Starting from Monday you will be able to find five pieces of art from his series Gift that will be hidden all over the city for you to find. The first one for Monday will be revealed somewhere at Boxhagener Platz. That’s what I call a treasure hunt!
Share Your Food is an event that could be described as the extension of a supper club. Here you will not only share a table, but also share your experiences, stories and ideas. Out of all the things happening and heard at the event a magazine will be printed. The next event will take place as a brunch at Feast, Weserstr. 58, starting at 12h. There is also going to be a little live program and an exhibition. More info on their blog.
Sing Blackbird is hosting another one of their Blackbird Fleamarkets starting at 13h. While you are there you can also enjoy the Vegan Brunch. Sanderstr. 11.
Ben & Julia