This Easter we will turn the traditional kitchy family holiday upside down and transform it into something more contemporary and fashionable. Together with the team of Achteinhalb we have asked our favorite avant-garde designers to create Easter Eggs for us – we call them Couture Eggs. The designers are Anna Wegelin, Burkhardt/Möllmann, C.Neeon, Esther Perbandt, JULIAANDBEN, Parsival Cserer, Paula Immich, Phoebe Heess, Proportion, Reality Studio and Von Bardonitz.
These unique eggs will be auctioned off here on the blog starting late on Monday April 18 until Friday April 22, 2011. The proceeds will be donated to children’s charity and Japan disaster relief organizations. On Thursday the eggs will be presented live at a vernissage the Achteinhalb Concept Store. More details and photos after the jump.
Esther Perbandt
Parsival Cserer
Paula Immich
Phoebe Heess
Reality Studio
Von Bardonitz & Achteinhalb present
by Anna Wegelin + Burkhardt/Möllmann + C.Neeon + Esther Perbandt + JULIAANDBEN + Parsival Cserer + Paula Immich + Phoebe Heess + Proportion + Reality Studio + Von Bardonitz
Vernissage, Thursday, April 21, 2011 – 19-22h
Achteinhalb Concept Store
Kollwitzstr. 42
10435 Berlin
Entrance for registered guests only. Please register here.
Enjoy drinks by Veltins, Absolut & Schwarze Dose.
The COUTURE EGGS Auction will take place here on the blog starting on Monday April 18 in the evening and will run until Friday April 22, 2011. During the vernissage on Thursday you will also be able to enter your bids.