Qubique – The New Design Trade Show


Last week the new big trade show for furniture and product design Qubique took place at the Tempelhof Airport for the first time. After the DMY this is now an exciting addition to the design events we have here in Berlin. On Saturday we strolled through all the four hangars of the trade show and found some amazing pieces of furniture and design objects. Have a look at what we found and be inspired after the jump on 2 pages.

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More on page 2!

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/admin/" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.