Graft in the House

GRAFT “Desert Canyon Resort, Dubai” © K 18, Blue Box, GRAFT

What will the city of the future be like?  Industrial, made of asphalt, surreal shaped, or simply just better, worse or not even existing? We don’t know yet. But what I know for sure is that there is a lot going on right now about how the city will be in the future. Stakeholders in this question are definetly talented architects who make plans today for the buildings of tomorrow. The most impressive architects from Berlin are for sure the GRAFT team. They are currently having  a giant exhibition of their work at Haus am Waldsee. After the click you can find out where and when to explore the future of the mega cities .


23. 11.2011 – 12. 02. 2012, Open Tue-Sun 11 – 18h

Haus am Waldsee – Internationale Gegenwartskunst in Berlin

Argentinische Allee 30

14163 Berlin

But the exhibition of Graft is not the only thing worth checkin out. I wrote the concept for this little short movie for the car manufacturer smart that I would like to share with you:

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<a href="" target="_self">Claudio</a>

