Film + Music = MuVi

I am in full festival mode, as the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen is currently on and I am part of the team. So I worked heaps but also saw a lot of films since last Thursday.  The MuVis, our Music Video Program is one that I look forward to every year. Inspired or even driven by music the filmmakers creat perfect little symbioses between film and music and my colleague really digs out the best of them.

So instead of long films, this week it’s short music videos we’ll be taking a look at.

Fratzengulasch/ Die Vögel (D: Katharina Duve/ Timo Schierhorn, D 2011)

The camera movement in this fantastic video is partly inspired by the video for Efdemin’s There will be singing. Both videos pan over pictures with the rythem of the music and thus amplify the great beats visually. The moving faces in Fratzengulasch are the two musicians from Die Vögel, the picture is from a flea market and the class on it from the school that inspired J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

Tell me something I don’t know / Herman Dune (D: Toben Seymour, USA 2011)

All i’m gonna say is  I love you, Don Draper!

INSCT / Skyence (D: Johannes Timpernagel, D 2010)

This is my favorite video from last year’s MuVi Award Screening. Timpernagel also does live visuals and I’m still keeping a look out on when he’ll be around Berlin!

Somebody to love me / Mark Ronson feat. Boy George (D: Saam Farahamand, GB 2010)

Stop reading now if you haven’t seen the video yet, because I’m going to disclose information about it which you should not have when first seeing it. If you’ve seen it and thought you saw Boy George in old material, take a closer look, because what you’re really seeing is a great performance by superstar Diane Krüger.

All is not lost /OK Go (D: OK Go / Pilobolus / Trish Sie, USA 2011)

The OK Go Video for Here it goes again with the band’s treadmill performance is an absolute classic and all videos that followed were fabulous as well. Now they made a new MuVi. Hurray!

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<a href="" target="_self">Lia</a>

