The Weekend Party Guide

Mary Ocher

Weekend, yeeha! It rains, but we won’t care, party party party, where when who what after the jump:


CTM Festival & Kater Konzerte present Polymorphism with the gorgeous Maria Minerva, Magic Touch, L.A. Vampires and special guests Heatsick / Bill Kouligas at Kater Holzig, start 9pm!

Ambivalent invites you to a relaxed summer evening at Prince Charles with Re.You, Marcus Krickow and more. Drink advice: Kentucky Mule. Start 10 pm!


The Last Days party is guided by a market named Gussy Bombs, according to the theme Last Days of Vintage at Backyard, Gitschinerstr. 22. What happened to the good old Vintage store, that smell of old clothes and moth powder? The mixture of poor people and youngsters with a special taste? Granny furs, Courtney Love dresses, old leather handbags? It is the Last Days of Vintage indeed and the one and only Mary Ocher, Engtanzkavalier, Stini Mimissonsdottir and more are gonna delight you with music. Gussy Bombs starts at 6 pm and leads into the night. Buy your outfit there, dance wildly to all your favourite songs or sell without stall fee (!

Brains Release Party at the Butzke with and by Zombie Disco Squad, Mercury feat Robert Owens I Live, Adana Twins and more presented by Jackmode and Made To Play, 10 Euro!

The open air at Kiessee Kiekebusch has been postponed due to the weather!

Flamin Gogo at Flamingo Club with Dillon djing, Marc Alan Gray and Saskia Hahn playing the night away. Cocktail time!


Iceland band Fm Belfast are playing at Astra with support by Still Flying, 20 Euro, start 9 pm, Revaler Str.!

Montech, the party at So36 is a follower to the legendary Electric Ballroom that celebrated its highlights more than ten years ago and lead people to either go out only on a Monda night or just celebrate until Tuesday. The line – up could be out of this time when Techno used to be a bit faster, stronger, harder: Flush, Wolle XDP and Tanith!

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