The Weekly Event Guide

Van She

This week is going to be quite busy for me as I will put all my energy in the preparations of our big 5th Birthday Party on Saturday that you should all come to! It’s going to be a lot of fun and I’m crazy excited because it really is a very special occasion for me. In other news: It’s Social Media Week. Another of those weeks. But we are a blog and have our asses deep down in Facebook, Twitter and whatnot so we are actually affected. What else is going on? Find out after the jump.

Monday, September 24

Social Media Week kicks off with a special day all in the name of art hosted by Artconnect Berlin. There is a full blown program starting at 10-12 with their famous Networking Breakfast and goes on with talks and workshops during the day. Program here. All takes place at Naherholung Sternchen, which coincedently is also the place where we have our party on Saturday. Berolinastr. 7 (behind Kino International and Gewerbeamt).

Later today the official opening party of the Social Media Week takes place at Fluxbau, Pfuelstr. 5, starting at 20h. Learn more about the program of the Social Media Week here. It goes on until Friday.

Tuesday, September 25

Mad Kate’s True True Name Performance Salon is a new monthly event at EXIT featuring outspoken & brave writers, film makers, performers and musicians. This time with a film performance by DISTRUKTUR and a concert by Riddle Guitar Trio. Takes place at EXIT, Wienerstr. 32, 19h.

Pubquiz at Südblock with Berghain residents Tama Sumo and Prosumer, Admiralstr. 1-2, 21h.

Australian band Van She is playing at Berghain Kantine, Am Wriezener Bahnhof, doors 20h, concert 21h.

Wednesday, September 26

Dirty Beaches are playing live at WestGermany at 21h and Shameless/Limitless are hosting the after show party at Das Gift, Donaustr. 119 starting at 22h.

Thursday, September 27

Comme Ci Comme Ca party at Chalet, Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 3, 22h. DJ sets by Daniel Wang and No Regular Play. Game and performance by Crystalmafia.

Friday, September 28

Box32 gallery at Boxhagener Str. 32 is opening the exhibition Des Jägers Tagebuch with work by artists Peter Aurisch and Jessica Mach. Starts at 19h.

Closing Party of the Social Media Week at the Naherholung Sternchen starting at 22h.

Saturday, September 29

This is our night as we are celebrating our 5th anniversary and many other things (for instance today 12 years ago I came to Berlin – and we finally passed the 10K mark on our facebook fanpage – and we are releasing our first collection as iHeartBerlin):

We’ll start with our Berlin Film Night – a collaboration with our friends of the Mobile Kino. We’ll be showing a program of short films of different genres, all of them Berlin-related. The screening takes place at Naherholung Sternchen, Berolinastr. 7 (on the right side, behind Kino International and the Gewerbeamt) starting at 20:30h.

Later that night we’ll celebrate our anniversary with a big 5th Birthday Party at Naherholung Sternchen. At the party we will present our collection of scarves that we did with Front Row Society in an installation. With a special interactive Kaleidoscope game you will actually be able to win some of the scarves (and other prices) by getting a bit creative! At the party you’ll also be able to enjoy a photographic look back onto the last 5 years of parties with iHeartBerlin in the form of photos and animated GIFs. You are all invited and I would be more than happy if you all come! Doors open at 22h.

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.