Win Tickets for Stil vor Talent at Chalet

Juli Holz

Next Sunday, Stil vor Talent returns with its next label soiree in Berlin. The label’s crème de la crème will be celebrating afterhour at the Chalet on Sunday. We are giving away 2X2 guestlist places! Get more information and take your chance to win after the jump.

The party on November 4 features Channel X, Niko Schwind, Animal Trainer, Dan Caster, Juli Holz & Björn Störig and a special guest.

Personally, I am very much looking forward to the live performance by Her Voice Over Boys, a new band from Vienna that I heard first at this year’s MELT Festival. They have been one of my favourite discoveries in 2012. Just recently, HVOB have released their first EP Dogs (you can guess the label), that shows what their live shows are about: a new, sophisticated and intelligent approach to electronic music.

We are giving away 2X2 guest list places for the party. In order to win, please leave a comment until Friday 22h with a valid email address and answer this question: The afterhour will feature a well known DJ as the special guest – who do you think that is?

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<a href="" target="_self">Jens</a>

