The hangover from January 1st is finally fading and it’s time to welcome the new year. There are often reviews of what was great in the past year, but instead of writing about the great films of 2012 I’d like to embrace what’s coming up and take a peak at which long expected films will hit the cinemas in 2013.
Get ready. These are some real gems to look forward to…
Stoker (D: Park Chan-wook, USA/UK 2013)
Cult Classic Oldboy director Park Chan-wook dishes out his first English language feature on May 9th. A chilling tale of young India (Mia Wasikowska), who looses her father in an apparent car-crash and has to live with her two-faced uncle (Matthew Goode) and ice queen of a mother (Nicole Kidman). The trailer makes it look like a racy thriller, but I’m sure there is some psychological studies woven in.
Hitchcock (D: Sacha Gervasi, USA 2012)
Anthony Hopkins wouldn’t be the first actor that springs to mind when it comes to thinking about someone who could portray Alfred Hitchcock. Yet seeing him in the trailer the casting choice makes complete sense. Helen Mirren plays Hitchcocks wife and Scarlett Johansson gives Psycho-Star Janet Leigh. It’s an all-star cast and an all-star topic and I know everything can still go wrong, but I’m genuinly interested in seeing the entire Story of Psychos coming to the silver screen now that I’ve watched the trailer.
The film is scheduled to hit German cinemas on March 24th.
A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III (D: Roman Coppola, USA 2012)
Director Roman Coppola isn’t new to the business of film. He’s Co-written Wes Andersons films The Darjeeling Limited and Moonrise Kingdom and produced his sister Sofia’s film Somewhere. Thus I assume what he’s doing and trust him to make a great first feature. Especially with fantastic Bill Murray, Charly Sheen and Jason Schwartzman in his picture not much can go wrong. We’ll see if this formula holds true from April 18th.
Gangster Squad (D: Ruben Fleischer, USA 2013)
Need I say more than that this film somewhat feels like Drive to convince you to be excited? I suppose not, but just in case I do: L.A. in the 1940s. Mafia King Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) thinks the entire city. A Squat of ruthless policemen set out to fight him. Among them Ryan Gosling, who is newly in love and needs to protect his girl.
Already perfect and then it’s also based on a true story. I gotta say: I can’t wait. Luckily this beauty will hit theatres on January 24th. Whohooo!