The Fruit Salad – Is The Shit the real Shit?

photos: Devid Gualandris

After spending the whole day in the Fashion  Week tent on Tuesday watching tiny skeleton girls running down the catwalk I was quite happy to go to The Shit Shop fashion show of Bonnie Strange and her girls Lena and Laura. It will not surprise you that I don’t like skinny girls on the catwalk very much. Not because I think all models are anorexic or having an eating disorder. I just don’t understand why there is only one type of body on the catwalk. Actually, it simply bores me to see 30 long skinny girls one after another. In my opinion I would appreciate the creativity of a designer much more if he would be able to show his design on different types of people. Some designers did this during fashion week like Patrick Mohr (which I will write about soon) and Bonnie Strange. It felt like a fresh stormy breath. What I think about Bonnie’s collection comes after the jump.

Some people might criticize Bonnie Strange and her label because they are not real designer or don’t have the skills or the taste to be one. I think that everybody has the right to be and do whatever he wants to be as long he has fun doing it. Watching Bonnies designs was a lot of fun for me. I knew before that I would see a lot of crazy 90’s plush and plastic. I am not a big fan of plush and plastic but I think they had a cute way of dealing with the materials. Actually, I think that the girls are taking fashion with a big portion of humor and that is something that I really like and appreciate. Fashion is a playground for your creativity and if these girls have a good time with what they are doing well then they should continue and I will support it. Also, I meet the wonderful Anto Christ at The Shit Shop show. A great girl, I will tell you more about her soon. Enjoy your saladicious weekend. I am going to Wedding Dress to do some nice shopping.

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