The Audience chooses – Favourites Film Festival in Berlin

Next week it’s time for the Berlin edition of the Favourites Film Festival (FFF). From August 21 – 25 the Bremen-based FFF presents films that have already swept audiences off their feet and won audience awards at international film festivals. So head over, because everyone’s a winner baby.

Alongside the screenings of the audience favourites there are, as is to be expected at a film festival, great side kicks. On Thursday you can out your film knowledge to the test at the very first Berlin Filmtablequiz. You’ll have to identify quotes, complete filmographies and puzzle over the masters questions with your team mates. After the ultimate audience prize has been awarded on Saturday night, the closing party will be dedicated to celebrations, dancing and having a great time.

You can find the entire program on the Favourites Film Festival website where you may also purchase tickets to the screenings.

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<a href="" target="_self">Lia</a>

