Only a month ago I introduced you to the new exciting Invictus Award by Paco Rabanne for which 7 handsome athletes from all over the world compete against each other to win the support for their sports-related cause. And where does the fun part for us come in, you might wonder? We can watch the whole competition in a reality webseries that has finally been released now on the Invictus website. More than 50 little episodes will be published here subsequently during the next few months showing the different situations and quests the contestants have to go through, mixed up with a lot of interviews and behind the scenes footage, and maybe even some friendly topless wrestling – if we’re lucky…
The German contestant is dragonboat man Markus from Berlin. In the next couple of months we will support him in the competition and we would really love for you to support him as well and give him your vote on the Invictus website. He deserves it! Learn more about Markus and the Invictus Award webseries after the jump.
I met Markus a couple of months ago during my first trip to Paris related to the Invictus campaign. At the time, my fellow bloggers and I were all each introduced to our corresponding candidate from our own country. Markus and I instantly got along famously as we both live in Berlin and were born and raised in the same state of East Germany. He is as smart, good looking and charming as they get while maintaining a very polite and modest attitude. A real heartthrob you could say 🙂
Markus’ sport actually turned out to be the most fascinating and colorful one of all the contestants. He’s a dragon boat racer for over 12 years now, trains and rows in a club a bit outside of Berlin. To give you an idea of what that sport actually is: It’s a team rowing sport where 20 guys race in one big long boat that is quite colorful and has a dragonhead in the front. The picture below is quite self-explainatory. If Markus turns out to be the lucky winner of the Invictus Award he will use the money for his rowing club so the guys can go to international races and championships – something a lot of the younger team members wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise as this sport is not very likely to get public or commercial funding.
On the Invictus website you can already see the first couple of episodes of the Invictus Award webseries. You’ll find some videos of the international castings, why these 7 guys were picked, individual portraits of them and how they first met each other in a really swanky house in Paris where most of the production of the show took place. Below two of the videos for your viewing pleasure.
The voting for the candidates is now open and you can support our Berlin contestant Markus with one simple click. If you sign in with Facebook you can even get a chance to win the Invictus fragrance by Paco Rabanne as well as the chance on the main price which is a trip related to the spirit of the Invictus campaign. You can vote once every day. Good luck! More coming soon…