The Story of a Shoe: The Launch – Part 3

Now that you are teased about the story and introduced to my shoe addiction it is time to explain my involvement with the brand new design studio MURO.EXE and their new hybrid sneaker that this story is ultimately all about. It’s probably no surprise to you that it has something to do with the event next Tuesday that I have been promoting. More about it after the jump.

A couple of months ago they sent me an eMail introducing themselves and asking if I would like to become one of their “cells” helping to get the word out about their new hybrid sneaker that at the time was still in the developement process. I have to admit that I get quite a lot of eMails by young businesses trying to advertise their products through I HEART BERLIN. It’s definately one way to get on this blog, but the requests are too many and often not suitable or even if they are, sometimes I don’t have the time to feature them. However the eMail of the MURO.EXE guys made me curious. First of all because the keyword shoe makes me all giddy and secondly I liked their alternative approach of product development and marketing.

On one of my trips to Madrid I went over to their headquarter and got to meet the small team that is behind this project. In their studio they showed me the different prototypes and the unusual materials they use for the shoe (that’s one of the many qualities of the shoe that sets it appart from the rest by the way). I was intrigued and excited to become a part of this.

And of course what expertise of ours would be more suitable to support them than hosting an event. And that’s exactly what is going to happen next week on Tuesday.

Last week MURO.EXE showed their innovative sneaker for the first time in a runway show of young avant-garde label Heridadagato. As the next step of the launch, from October 1-3, 2013 you will be able to check out the shoe for yourself at the showroom and sale at The WYE, Skalitzer Str. 86 in Berlin-Kreuzberg. There you will be able to try on and order the three different models. The first collection titled Extinction will be sold exclusively through the website of MURO.EXE so this is your only chance to try them on in your size and see the unusual material and excellent quality of production.

Come celebrate the launch with us on October 1, 2013 at 19h with music and drinks by Warsteiner and SKYY VODKA. Register for the guestlist here or simply r.s.v.p. through the Facebook event. Looking forward to see you!


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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.