Berlin Feminist Film Week

photo: Annique Delphine

The Oscars are a great opportunity to analyze the gender roles in the film business. Nominees in the important gender neutral categories like Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Film are mainly white men; while the red carpet is dominated by the sparkly robes of the ladies. When Kathryn Bigelow picked up the Best Director Oscar as the very first woman in 2010, 81 men already had one of those super Oscars at home.

So there’s plenty to be done for women in the world of film and the Berlin Feminist Film Week has set out to do just that…

March 8th is world women’s day and fittingly the Berlin Feminist Film Week 2017 starts on this precise day. One week films about and made by women will be shown in various venues in Berlin. It’s certainly important to note that it’s not about excluding men, but rather about offering a platform to those that have long been underrepresented.

The decision to only show films by female filmmakers, as male directors have also made great films about women, may seem radical at first. But if you consider that the great Cannes Film Festival Competition went entirely without films made by women, it casts another light.

The screenings will take place at Babylon Mitte and are co-hosted by Mobile Kino. Tickets for the screenings can be bought at and cost from 6 to 8 euro. Some of the workshops/talks are free and will only need pre-registration.

In addition Curated by GIRLS will be putting together a special exhibition that you will be able to see at AGORA Rollberg. The exhibition can be seen if you purchase a ticket or on Sunday between 10-14h.

For more information on the Berlin Feminist Film Week and the entire program, take a look at their website.

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