If you have less interest in abstract art and prefer something more fun and colorful we recommend you to visit the Pictoplasma exhibition at Kaufhaus Jahnsdorf that is still going on until May 11, 2014. Last week there was also another exhibition at Urban Spree with the results of the Pictoplasma Academy which we really enjoyed a lot. In case you missed that one, we would like to show you the amazing Character-Selfie series. The humorist spirit of the festival strikes again with this funny and satirical take on this digital trend. Where will all the selfie-narcism take us? Maybe one day even the characters will jump out of the screen or the sheet of paper just to take a selfie of themselves. More funny pictures after the jump. And don’t miss the Pictoplasma Character Gallery at Kaufhaus Jandorf.
Characters doing Selfies – A Pictoplasma Series
