On a cloudy Saturday afternoon I took my new bike to the Sowjet Monument of Honor at Treptower Park. This time not for a normal bike trip though. The Foreign Affairs Festival is in town and celebrates the arts of music dance and theater bringing rare pearls of contemporary culture from all over the world to Berlin.
One chapter of the festival is contributed by Boris Charmatz and his Dancing Museum. This artistic association tries to document, preserve and work with art history in an unusual way. Questioning the potential of remembering the historic background, the dancers and the essentials of the choreography itself, Charmatz created a diverse parcours across 20th century dance history. The dances ranging from Meyerhold’s biomechanics, folk dance and Vogueing to contemporary dance where shown and explained by the dancers themselves. This way they became art pieces, curators and museum guides in one person. Impression from the dancers and some short thoughts after the jump.
Although the concept of conserving dance in a museum is massively criticized by certain dance experts, I think that this museum performance was very enlightening and brings the audience back to the understanding of the art form on a very approachable and humble level. I had moments where I wondered if the presentations where even too humble since some parts of the audience behaved like they were attending an amusement park or a carnival, not showing much respect neither for the audience nor for the memorial which is a graveyard for soldiers in the very end.
The event was totally free of charge which I think is a wonderful way of getting all kinds of people interested in dance history. On the other hand I often experienced that if people have to pay just a little sum or give a donation they appreciate the experience with much more respect and appreciation. Still I was very happy and thankful to experience this new way of teaching about dance and I guess a lot of other spectators where too.