Anonymity in our Bodies- Never Forever at Schaubühne

Photos: Arno Declair

I am dancing by myself has become the hymne of our generation without anybody wanting it. We have to use dating apps to meet new people, share our photos of our newborn kid on Facebook to make people notice that we are becoming a parent and hope that one day you will have enough likes, retweets and shares to be happy.

Our sense of approval has no connection with the real world anymore. At least in the new dance piece Never Forever at Schaubühne Berlin. The intense collaboration between German theater director Falk Richter and Israeli choreographer Nir de Volff could not have become more disturbing (in a good sense). Falk Richter’s texts tell stories of people whose humanity is increasingly giving way to a post-human condition of living unnoticed in a giant city. They are scattered city warriors in survival mode, prepared to commit any extreme act in order to feel that they are alive; people who are infinitely replicated, self-styled beyond recognition in online profiles, thoroughly scrutinised and monitored. On the poetic text fragments the bodies of the talented and well conducted cast of Nir’s Company Total Brutal take the stage with even more power, brute strength and craziness than ever before. Don’t miss the chance to see this piece with German text but occasionally English subtitles. More photos, the trailer and the dates after the jump.

Never Forever

22.10.2014, 20.00 – 21.45

23.10.2014, 20.00 – 21.45

24.10.2014, 20.30 – 22.15

13.11.2014, 20.00 – 21.45

14.11.2014, 20.30 – 22.15

15.11.2014, 20.00 – 21.45

16.11.2014, 17.00 – 18.45

Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz
Kurfürstendamm 153
10709 Berlin

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