“We want to talk about your dick” raps gorgeous Tatiana Saphir backed up by a chorus of Opera singers.
Would you expect this kind of lyrics in any opera? Probably not. But the opera Switch On about the discovery of the synthesizer has more to offer than just pornographic lyrics. The Argentinian director Santiago Blaum created one of the most unconventional music theater pieces I saw in my life (and I saw quite a lot of it). It deals with the controversy between what is “classic+natural” and what is “eletronic+synthetic” in music (but actually somehow in all of our life). Finally the piece will come back to Berlin. So don’t miss to visit the piece this weekend at Uferstudios and watch the funny trailer featuring the dick song and many more highlights of the piece after the switch.
Switch On
von Santiago Blaum
12.-15. Februar 2015, 20:30
Uferstr. 8/23 und Badstr. 41a
13357 Berlin
Tickets: 13 € / 8 €