How far would you go for the best shot? I’ve seen people crawl on the floor, bend over backwards and climb up lamp posts to take the most impressive photo possible. But there are some people who go much further: Stand on the edge of a skyscraper, climb onto a crane or sneak into the restricted areas of subway stations, constructions sites and abandoned ruins.
Young Berlin-based photographer Jeisson Martin is one of those crazy people that won’t be held back by a “Do Not Enter” sign to make an amazing photo. For him the extreme situation that he puts himself into at times have become part of the fun of taking photos. In a world where almost everyone who has a smartphone and the VSCO cam app can take cool pictures it has become more of a challenge to really stand out, and what better way to stand out than to stand in a position where most people don’t dare to go.
And Jeisson’s work definitely stands out as he manages to show Berlin from angles that you haven’t seen before because they are mostly taken from restricted areas and dizzying heights. We would like to show you some of his amazing shots that he made in the underground of Berlin, abandoned places and from the rooftops of Berlin. Enjoy his photos and if you want to see more you should follow him here.
Follow Jeisson’s amazing work on his Instagram channel.