photo: Our Food Stories
Fashion changes and beauty fades, but one thing that will always play an important role in our everyday life is food! No surprise that food blogs are on the rise, and my Instagram feed is full of amazing food creators. Yes, food photography, food styling, food art and #foodporn: we just can’t get enough of it. Maybe because pictures of food inspire us in the kitchen, encourage us to change up the menu and discover new, interesting and healthy recipes. It’s something that seems beneficial for our own heart, body and soul.
Becoming a food blogger might seem easy because, well, we all know how to make pancakes and a quiche. But that’s not completely right – there is a big difference between cooking for yourself and cooking for a bigger audience, like for the eyes of a thousand followers. Food blogging is a new form of art, and only true creators of real foodporn know: there is a lot of work and practice behind creating a meal that does not only taste good, but also visually appeals to the world on Facebook and Instagram. We asked three specialists of the German food blog community about their secret ingredients of foodporn. The answers and amazing photos after the jump…
Berlin Foodblog
Albin and Julia from Berlin Foodblog, a chef and designer, started their amazing blog with different culinary treats just last year and their number of followers on Instagram is steadily growing:
photos: Berlin Foodblog
What is the average prep-time for the perfect shot?
We spend in average about an hour shooting a picture but of course it differs a lot depending on how time consuming the actual dish is to make. Actual photo time is really no more than 10-15 min and then about another 10 for some light Photoshop editing.
photo: Berlin Foodblog
In your opinion, what are the three secret ingredients of true Foodporn?
The light is the most important thing. Day light is the best and outside pictures in summer are just unbeatable. I think it looks particularly foodporn-like when you’re shooting something really rich or something with lots of flavor… And then when you get the picture just right and it’s like you can taste the dish somehow just by looking at it. That’s when you really got it right! Something a bit over the top. Fat glistening in the sun… We try to create nice interesting recipes which might tickle peoples taste buds. Usually we make use of lots of bright colorful foods and flowers. I guess we got quite a cheerful look… Nothing too dark and gloomy.
Can you show us your favorite shot on your blog?
For example this one:
photo: Berlin Foodblog
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Living The Healthy Choice
Pauline from Living The Healthy Choice is a photographer and food-lover specialized on delicious vegan creations. She shares her passion with huge audience of more than 273.000 followers on Instagram.
photos: Pauline Bossdorf
How long have you been creating beautiful content and real Foodporn?
I fell in love with creating and cooking three years ago. I’ve always loved food but truly hated cooking. Then I moved out and started being more conscious of what it was I was eating. Other than cooking, I’ve always loved photography. It didn’t take long to connect both my passions and I started sharing my recipes and photos on Instagram and my blog.
What is the average prep-time for the perfect shot?
The prep-time always differs. When I’m super hungry, I’ll be really, really quick with taking the photos. Other times I plan a shoot long in advance. I might go and get extra props for the shoot and spend a lot of time decorating. But the actual shoot is just a fraction of the work. When I develop a recipe, I make it over and over again until I am completely happy with it, only then I do the actual shoot, followed by sorting through the images, editing them, writing the blog post and putting everything online and spreading the word.
photo: Pauline Bossdorf
What are the three secret ingredients of true Foodporn?
Almost everything can be made delicious and pretty, so it’s hard to pin it down. In the end it’s always up to viewer and eater to create their own. At the moment I personally am crazy for avocado, curries and frozen blueberries, so it would have to involve at least one of them.
Can you show us, your favorite shot on your blog?
One of my favourite photos I ever took is this one – I took it in Spain where I was taking a short vacation with a group of friends. We had a couple of magical days together, filled with conversations and good food. During the day we were all pretty much living off tons of watermelon, so I was able to snap this photo. It reflects so much joy and happiness for me that I actually got it printed on canvas and have it hanging in my flat.
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Our Food Stories
Laura and Nora from Our Food Stories, a photographer and a food stylist, create stunning content for foodies and cake-lovers. All their recipes are gluten free and vegetarian, some even vegan. The two have a massive following of over 577.000 people on Instagram.
photos: Our Food Stories
How long have you been into Foodporn?
We started the blog in the summer of 2013, and in the same winter we began posting pictures on Instagram as well.
photo: Our Food Stories
In your opinion, what are the three secret ingredients of true Foodporn?
Fresh, quality ingredients, a passion for preparation and a good eye for the decoration.
Can you show us, your favorite shot on your blog?
At the moment, this one:
photo: Our Food Stories