GIF me Cute: Animated Creatures all over Berlin

GIFs: Yoyo the Ricecorpse

Sometimes I think that I have the attention span of a GIF. The upside of this daily struggle of working with the internet is that anything that fits into a short loop can catch my attention really good. No wonder I am better at looking at GIFs than reading, let alone writing any text. Unfortunately, looking at GIFs doesn’t pay the bills (even though I cannot be sure that it might become a sustainable profession in the future, as the future is unknown and full of mysteries).

Speaking of looking at GIFs, I recently stumbled upon a really interesting GIF series that I wanted to share with you. The London-based artist running by the unorthodox name Yoyo the Ricecorpse visited Berlin a while ago. When she was here, not only did she take some pictures, but also created unique illustrations of all kinds of animated creatures. Inspired by Japanese anime and the classic Game Boy game Pokemon, her funny-moving animals do all sorts of crazy things all over Berlin. Maybe it is not everyone’s cup of tea to see our so-called rough and dirty city overwhelmed by all this pink Japanese cuteness, but for a change I quite like it.

If you like what Yoyo does, you should also check out the animations she did in the streets of Paris and Tokyo. More funny and cute GIFs after the jump.

Alls GIFs by Yoyo the Ricecorpse

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<a href="" target="_self">Claudio</a>

